Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Baby [Red] Potatoes on Crack


   There is this house down the block from mine in Israel that always gives me the urge to just walk into as if I own the place, simply cut up an Avocado and serve it with an array of Cheeses, soft boiled Eggs, Italian Tuna, cracked roasted Potatoes with some Kalamata olives with Olive Oil and cracked Pepper everywhere. Ten years and that house gives me the same urge and the same matter when, no matter what. I would stop the car in front of the house and imagine what the people in it where like, and how they felt "simply cutting up an Avocado whenever they wanted". Could be that to enter the villa you need to walk downstairs instead of upstairs which gives off a cliff house feeling. There is also this massive bougainvillea that married into what was a simple iron gate. The house is crisp white with deep brown aged wooden windows. Italy and Provence joined with Casablanca when they wrote the blue prints. It is Israel. I could have easily just knocked on the door and asked to join with all my ingredients, they might of thought whatever they wanted, but not for more than a second. Israeli people are like water, always giving. Agree to agree, agree to disagree, they have the best hearts. So, why didn't I? Sometimes, when something captivates you so much, leave it that way. From the hunger of fulfillment, we fulfill. So.. RECIPE. These Potatoes go with everything and I mean everything. The insides receive all the flavor from being "cracked", the contrast between the Red Skin and white center will give any dish a beautiful punch, and best of all, they look authentic. 

What You'll Need: 
  • Baby Red Potatoes
  • Crushed Tri-Color Pepper
  • Dash of Chili
  • Kosher Salt
  • Olive Oil 
Notice, I am not giving amounts because it really depends on how many potatoes you need.

Heat Oven to 370 Degrees F
  Boil your Baby Potatoes until they are just cooked. [Soft enough that you can poke a fork through but NOT over cooked that they started falling apart] Pour the water out and let them cool to a temperature that is cool enough for handling. Holding your Potato with your thumb and pointer finger, just give a squeeze until the Potato simply cracks. Place your cracked Potatoes in a bowl with your spices and Olive Oil and then onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper [for easier cleaning] and into the oven until they reach the crispiness you desire. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tom; the [NO KNEAD] Baby Artisan Bun


 There are two factors with Bread baking that intimidates people. If you ask me, it's the yeast and kneading. I might be wrong, and if I am, I would love to walk anyone through the steps that scare them because there is nothing easier and more gratifying than fresh homemade bread.
The thing with Artisan bread is that you can double or triple your ingredients and just leave containers of dough in the refrigerator for up to a week I would say, and the nice thing with that is that the longer the dough sits, the richer your bread will taste. One hour before you want your house to smell like a little bakery in Naples, you just take your container with dough out of the refrigerator. This recipe is best made at night, you automatically gain the night hours of sitting time.

What You'll Need:

  • 6 1/2 Cups Flour
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp Kosher Salt
  • 1 Tbsp Yeast
  • 3 Cups Water [100 Degrees]

In a large bowl just mix all your ingredients with a wooden spoon until incorporated. Place into container and shut, not airtight though. [If you doubled your ingredients separate into separate containers] Let your dough sit for two hours in a warm/room temperature area, the dough will double in size, then just put your container in the refrigerator for a minimum of 3-4 hours.
Once your buns are shaped they will need to rest for an hour, so make sure to take your dough out of the refrigerator in time to shape and bake before your serving time. You might want to sprinkle your hands with a bit of Olive Oil for easier handling, once you finish shaping your little round give it a dip into a bowl of flour and then straight onto parchment lined baking sheet. Now let them rest for a nice hour in a warm place.
Place into preheated oven for 30 minutes. Truly depends on your oven, bottoms should be nicely golden and they should spring back when touched. Cool on wired rack and serve.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lahme Bi Ajeen; Hamentashen

 I am a Moroccan-French-Italian American born hybrid that spent 11 years in Israel. I don't know what else to say except; food is definitely part of my lifestyle. I never really knew I was originally from Syria, but I secretly always had this love for Syrian food. When I was a kid one of my mothers best friends would make Kebe and Lachme Bi Ajeen all the time. Kids; for some reason we just stuff our mouths without asking what it is, or how to make it, as a result, just like that we miss out on one of our favorite foods until someone else magically makes it. That magically happened when I stayed with my cousins in NYC. Emily Amos. She makes animalistic Lahme. Oh my... I would sneak some before and after the meal WITH Celine (yep, I just ratted you out) when no one was looking, not that Emily would mind *embarrassed face*.
  A year after being re-introduced to Lahme Bi Ajeen, I was in Jerusalem running some Friday errands at the Shuk with another one of my cousins when our noses directed to this hole in the wall that had magical scents wafting out of every direction. I am one of those OCD people that cannot eat something that is not 100% sanitary. Complete germaphobe. But there is something about the little pots of authentic Mamma food; seeing this little family business was just emotionally beautiful and mouth watering. The mother and father not speaking anything other than strict Syrian just sat there rolling, baking, stirring with love radiating out of their beautiful smiles. Their son, this gorgeous boy, around 18 years old was the narrator, business manager, waiter, seater and translator. The whole ambiance was just magical. We didn't even order anything specific, we asked for whatever was at hand. The generosity was from another world. As we sat to eat I was in complete and utter shock how every bite of such simple food can hold so much flavor. My cousin just stared at me and said, "you do know that we are originally from Demascus, Syria, right?" Our great great grandfather, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto was the Av Beit Din of Aram Tzova, Allepo. DUH! Thats when it all made sense to me. There are foods we love; taste buds and all. But when a type of food hits home, you know its part of your DNA. Now that I babbled on and on.. yes, the recipe.

What You'll Need:
Makes 30 Hamentashen or regular Lachme Bi Ajeen (generously filled)
Preheat Oven 375 Degrees F.
For the Crust you can use your favorite pizza dough rolled out or just buy those ready made pizza dough rounds at your local kosher market.


  • 1 Lb Ground Meat
  • 1 Large Tomato- Finely Chopped
  • 1 Purple Onion- Finely Chopped
  • 3 Cloves Crushed Garlic  
  • 1 Tsp Crushed Black Pepper
  • 3 Tbsp Tamarind Paste 
  • 1 Tbsp Parsley- Finely Chopped 
  • Salt to Taste 
 [For some odd reason I forgot to add the Parsley this time, but it is recommended, gives a pop of color and flavor.] In a bowl combine all your ingredients, you can let it all sit in the refrigerator for the flavors to all marinade, but that's not a must. Have your pizza rounds ready, give them a few soft pokes with a fork so that the air doesn't get trapped inside and explode while baking. If you are making regular Lahme Bi Ajeen, just top your rounds generously then flatten the meat. If you are going for Hamentashen place about a Tbsp of meat in the center of your round and then using water on your fingers as a glue, fold and pinch your sides into a Hamentashen shape. Place in the oven for half an hour, or until nice and golden [depends on your oven]. The Tamarind paste makes a nice caramel coat over the crust and meat. A true delight. 

Serve as an appetizer or a delicious side with Tahini as your dip.


Topped with charred Eggplant. 


Served as a side, topped with Tahini Sauce. 

I hope you Enjoy!!