Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Super Salmon

   Salmon is one of the healthiest foods our there. Lets start with the obvious, its a protein. Salmon is packed with omega-3 and amino acids, Vitamins B12, D, B6 and B3. Phosphorus, potassium, shall I continue? Let's cut to the chase and admit that Salmon is the closest to a Super Food. What happens when we add fresh garlic (a wonder in medicine + an immune system battery people!) Fresh Parsley?  Aside from the fact that Parsley is a great anti-oxidant, Hello Vitamin K! We often overlook the health benefits behind that beautiful stem we use so often as a garnish. Overlook no more, with a flavor and color so exquisite, Vitamin K is an afterthought. Lemon- Anti-oxidant, Vitamin C etc. etc.. etc... I can go on forever naming the benefits of our yellow friend, Mr. Lemon. Honey? Madame Ginger is your stomachs best friend. Honey? Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, an aid to preventing cancer and heart disease and like Mr. Lemon I can go on and on. 

Things You'll Need: 
(Makes sauce for 8 generous servings)
  • Salmon (the amount you desire)
  • 1 Full Cup Parsley
  • 4 Cloves Garlic
  • 1' Chunk of fresh Ginger
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • Juice of 1 Lemon 
  • 3 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • Salt+Black Pepper to Taste
  • Some fresh or dry Basil (optional)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Place your Salmon flat on baking sheet.
Using your blender combine the rest of your ingredients until you get a smooth texture. Brush your Salmon on both sides with your sauce (If you are going to be freezing the rest of your sauce make sure to put some aside before re-dipping your brush into the sauce after touching the fish). Pop your now GREEN fish into the oven. Please note how beautifully the green contrasts with that amazing orange pink color of your Salmon. Depends on your oven but it should bake for about 30 minutes, to take advantage of the vitamins this Super Salmon has to offer try to not over cook. 


You can use the rest of your sauce as a delicious salad dressing and or as a sauce for any other kind of fish or chicken. 

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